Dulwich Runners weekly newsletter

Shorts is the club’s weekly newsletter emailed to members and posted on the club Facebook group late Tuesday or Wednesday morning, non-members can subscribe by emailing barry@bg1.co.uk using Subscribe as the subject.
It provides an overview of upcoming races and socials, training tips from our coaches, race reports, the weekly parkrun results by club members and the Wednesday Night Run map for that week. 

On joining you will automatically be subscribed to the newsletter mailing list.
Anything for inclusion needs to be submitted to  barry@bg1.co.uk by Tuesday 19:30pm to be sure of being in the Wednesday edition.


JAN 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 31

FEB 7 - 14 - 21 - 28

MAR 6 -13 - 20 - 27

APR 3 - 10 - 17 - 24

MAY 1 - 8 - 1522 - 29

JUN 5 - 12 - 19 - 26

JUL 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 31

AUG 7 - 14 - 21 - 28

SEP 4- 11 - 18 - 25

OCT 2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30

NOV 6 - 13 - 20 - 27

DEC 4 - 11 - 18 - 25