Summer Route 3 - Dulwich Park, Dulwich Woods with options to Wells Park, Crystal Palace Park, Norwood Park and Belair Park
Route 3A (Short) - 5 miles / 8 km - 99m elevation gain
Dulwich Park 1/2 lap. Then South Circular to the start of the Green Chain Walk. Take this path through the 1960s/1970s housing estate on the site of the former Lordship Lane station before entering the woods with some steps. When you reach the fork with Cox’s Walk (east) turn right down towards the footbridge. Keep left and then follow the recently relaid path. At the second fork (with the log on the right hand side) turn right down to the old railway track bed. Before you reach the tunnel mouth take the path on the right hand side over the top of the railway tunnel with some steps. You then meet the path (that stays on the east side of the old railway) before entering Crescent Wood Road.
Leave the longer routes at the junction with Low Cross Wood Lane (Hell Hill) by the Dulwich Wood House PH. Descend to College Road. Turn right on to College Road. At the junction with the South Circular turn left heading to Belair Park. Take the off road route round the park to Gallery Road and Burbage Road.
Route 3B (Medium) - 7.2 miles / 11.75km - 183m elevation gain
As 3A until the Dulwich Wood House PH.
Take Wells Park Road to Wells Park, then up Westwood Hill before taking in a lap of Crystal Palace Park to check out the Dinosaurs and other relics. Retrace your steps onto Westwood Hill before heading down Fountain Drive past Sydenham Hill station as it becomes College Road for a return back to the Club House.
Route 3C (Long - 9.2 miles / 14.85km - 206m elevation gain
As 3B until Crystal Palace Parade / Fountain Drive Roundabout. Head along Crystal Palace Parade, turning right on Westow Hill. Continue down the rollercoaster as it becomes Central Hill to Norwood Park. Cross the park into Gipsy Hill, then past the craft beer tap room on Hamilton Road. Take a left into Tritton Road to begin the long stretch of Rosendale Road to Turney Road and back to the Club House.
Add laps of Dulwich Park to add extra mile increments if desired.
Crystal Palace Park